What to do if someone is missing
- Stay calm… call parents, spouse, children, workplace, school, close friends and anyone who could know where they may be.
- Ask everyone you call to help you call around. If you have to go out, make sure everyone you have called has all your contact numbers.
- Back-track the missing person’s regular route to/from school or work. Check nearby places, neighbours, video arcades, malls, nightclubs, any likely place that you may not be able to contact by phone. Check your child’s other parent if you do not live together. Check your spouse’s ex. Remember to check your own home thoroughly, your child might have come home quietly & be asleep in Grandma’s room, they might even be heading for their school or their parents home. If the missing person is elderly, possibly suffering from Alzheimer’s, they might be trying to go to the house they used to live in or where they used to work. Remember people suffering from Alzheimer’s, often live twenty or thirty years ago in their minds.
- Make a police report. The sooner the report is made the more likely it is that the missing person may be found quickly.
Tips on how to identify human traffickers…
- Has a nice and friendly manner.
- Tells you how much money you can make.
- Has a nice car and will show you money.
- Tells you he/she loves you and want to take care of you.
Warning signs
- It is unimportant that you have no skills or qualifications.
- Someone is offering to pay your expenses.
- You cannot give exact details to family members about where you are going.
- Someone is getting travel and identification documents for you.
What to do
- Say no and keep far from them.
- Do not get into a car with them.
- Do not let them persuade you to get into go-go dancing or prostitution.
People go missing for various reasons
People go missing as a result of family conflict, mental illness, financial difficulties to name a few. Many of us have felt as if we need to get away from everyone and everything and start anew. If that is the case, please at least advise your loved ones you will be going away as they may be concerned about your welfare and safety. Please don’t subject your loved ones to the trauma of worrying about you. Think how you would feel if someone you cared for and loved just vanished.
So please make contact, you don’t have to tell them where you are. What you can do, is visit your local police station. The police will keep your whereabouts confidential if that is your wish and you are an adult.

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